Pages of my blog

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rare Disease Day: Rett Syndrome

Rare Disease Day

Today is Leap year, and Leap year is rare, but do you know what else is rare?  

There are many types of rare disease that effect over 1 million people.  That is why today is national Rare Disease Day.  

In Honor of my daughter, Mare Bear  I wanted to bring awareness to those effected by rare disease, like Rett Syndrome.  

Rett Syndrome...

 is a developmental disorder. It is not a degenerative disorder.

 causes problems in brain function that are responsible for cognitive, sensory, emotional, motor and autonomic function. These can include learning, speech, sensory sensations, mood, movement, breathing, cardiac function, and even chewing, swallowing, and digestion.

symptoms appear after an early period of apparently normal or near normal development until six to eighteen months of life, when there is a slowing down or stagnation of skills.

 A period of regression then follows when she loses communication skills and purposeful use of her hands. Soon, stereotyped hand movements such as handwashing, gait disturbances, and slowing of the normal rate of head growth become apparent. Other problems may include seizures and disorganized breathing patterns while she is awake. In the early years, there may be a period of isolation or withdrawal when she is irritable and cries inconsolably. Over time, motor problems may increase, but in general, irritability lessens and eye contact and communication improve.

I have said this before on my blog, "Sometime you pick a cause and sometimes, like in our case, a cause picks you."  

Information about Rett syndrome found at

If you have a rare disease, don't be ashamed, let the whole world know.  Bring awareness to your rare disease.  Leave a comment telling me what your rare disease is, or a disease that is effecting your family.  Together we are strong.

Click here to check Rare Disease day out on facebook

Click here to checkout Rare Disease day  website

Friday, February 24, 2012

Children's Advil

As a mom, you never want your child to be sick, but when they do, you want the best possible medicine for their ailments. There are so many out there it can be hard to know which one is right for your child. You should always talk to your child pediatrician before taking any medicine. You also want to make sure the medicine you and your child's pediatrician decide on has not expired, so check the expiration date on the packaging.

Have you every though of Children’s Advil® ?
Advil Respiratory Products

Did you know Children’s Advil® provides up to 8-hours of relief in just one dose. Children’s Advil® can give you confidence knowing it is both safe and effective when used as directed.

Click here for an downloadable. $1.oo off coupon for Children's Advil®.

Did you know Children's Advil® comes in many different dosages and flavors.

  • Dye-free Infants' Advil® is available for children ages 6-23 months
  • Children's Advil® is available for ages 2-11 (flavors including Grape, Blue Raspberry, Fruit and Dye-Free White Grape).

Check out their website to find the Children's Advil that is right for your child.

for a $1 off Children's Advil coupon try use this website

Like Children's Advil on FB.

Disclosure: I receive a sample of Infant Advil® and coupon link through Smiley360. Thank you to Children's Advil for the free sample. The information about Children’s Advil®was taken from their website.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

When the Soul Mends Book review

Forgiving the past to have a future

When the Soul Mends by Cindy Woodsmall is the third and finally book in the Sister of the Quilt series.  When Soul Mends is about a former Old Order Amish twenty year old names Hannah Lapp.  Hanna left her Old Order Amish home of Pennsylvania in disgrace and has made a new home for herself in Winding Creek, Ohio. Hanna has finally found love again with Martin Palmer, an Englisher, as they raise his niece and nephew. 

Hanna’s sister calls her with the news, her friend Matthew was in a fire and is now in the hospital, Hanna decides she must see him and returns to the Amish community that shunned.

After she arrives, she quickly learns her sister, Sarah is dealing with mental issues and she must stay longer to help her sister.  The only person Hanna can ask to help her sister is her former finace, Paul Walddell.  Hanna still hold on to the anger and resentment about what happen to her long ago and how she was shunned by Paul, her father, and her Amish community, but Hanna soon realizes her perception may not be reality.  Hanna and Paul are forced to revisit their past, and soon learn thing were not as they seemed.   Hanna  must break through the pain of the past and decide if she will choose the Englisher world, and the man who brought her through the pain of her past, or return to her Plain Life and her first love.

I did not read the first two books of this series, but was able to follow the story line completely due to a character list which includes the actions of each character from the first two books of the series. 

I really enjoyed reading this book and spent many night reading it to the wee hours of the morning.  I have never read a book about Amish people and it really open my eyes to their world.  Sometimes I wish my life was a little more “plain”. 

The romantic elements of this book were done very tastefully.  My heart ached for Hanna, I wanted her to end up with Paul, but I was torn to her relationship with Martin and her niece and nephew.  This book is what I think a true Christian romantic fiction book should be.

Click Here for the author, Cindy Woodsmall website.

For a excerpt from When the Soul Mends by Cindy Woodsmall click here


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

How to make a toilet cake

Gross Alert:

My Oldest and I were talking about making a fun cake.  We had so much fun making the creeper cake for his birthday, and I wanted to make a cake with him for no reason other than to spend time with him.  So, what cake does he decide he wants to make...  a toilet cake.  Yes, you read it right.  He wanted to make a toilet cake with me.  Instead of say "no way, that's gross," I decided to do it with him and have fun in the process.

 First we baked two cakes.  One cake we baked in 4 mini-loaf pans, and one we baked in a round stoneware bowl.  After we baked the cakes and let them cool,  we placed three mini-loaf cakes on top of each other to create the tank of the "toilet".  For the bowl we placed the round cake up next to the "tank".  I then placed three dowels into the cake for stability: two in the tank and one from the bowl to the tank.

TIP: Place your cake in the freezer for two hours so the frosting won't stick to the cake.

 We frosted the cake with white frosting all the way around. I ran out of frosting, and that is why the cake is not fully covered as I would like it to be.

Little Man helped, me frost some of the cake, but mostly he ate the frosting.

 We had some blue fondant, so I rolled it out to a circle, and placed it on the cake.  Most people have blue toilet bowl water, right?

 To make the cake look more authentic I took a piece of werther original hard candy and turned the wrapper inside out and cut off the ends.

I just want you to know the brownie in the middle of the cake was not my idea, but when you have two boys, what else are you going to do.  You know what they say, "if you can't beat them, join them."

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chick fil-a taste test

The other night our local Chick-fil-a was hosting a taste test.  At first I was not sure I wanted to do it.  My Oldest and some of his fellow scouts were adventuresome and said they wanted to try it.  Teenage boys are always will to try different foods mixed together.

  A Chick-fil-a employee gave my Oldest a blindfold to put on, when the blindfold was secure, he handed him a cup full of mystery ingredients.

 This is his first bite of the mystery Ingredients.
 Here he is chewing it and trying to figure out what it was.  He knew from the start it was a chicken nugget, but it took him a little while do decide what was coated on it.  After a few chews he decided it was honey, and he was right.

This is him handing the blindfold to the next victim.  This was such a fun even for the boys.  We were all laughing and having a great time.  Chick-fil-a always knows what to do to keep us coming back. 

Believe it or not the next victim was me. Since this blind taste test was hosted by Chick-fil-a, I knew It would be a delicious one.  I did not have to worry about any of the cups being filled with gross food.  Here is a video of my taste test. (it was taken by My Oldest)

If the above video does not work try this link:

To find out more about Chick-fil-a check out their website.

Disclaimer:  I did not receive any free products for posting this blog. All opinions express are my own personal opinions.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day to me

So this morning I woke up to this...
 I was so excited.  I love flower and these are big and beautiful.  My favorite, white roses and they smells so sweet too.  I felt really love and cherished.  You see some times we wait until after Valentine's day to celebrate our love for each other.  It just seems like such a waste to spend twice if not triple the about of a products just because it is a certain day. On the other hand it is sometime night to get something just because!
He also hand picked this red velvet cupcake and strawberry dipped tuxedo.  It looks so yummy.  I cannot wait to try it, but I am going to wait until after dinner.

He has planned a romantic dinner at home after the kids go to bed.  He is going to make me dinner, but it is a surprise as to what we are having to eat.  It will probable be a filet of steak or lobster, those are my favorite.  I am sure there will be a salad and bake potato too. Yum!

I am so excited I cannot wait!

I pray your Valentine's day is a blessed one.  May you be showed with love and gratitude on this day.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hosting a Pull Ups House Party

I was chosen to host a Pulls Ups Dance Party by House Party on February 11th.
Pull-Ups® Potty Dance House Party Feb. 11

If you want more information on House Party click here.

First, we invited the guest.  I talked to all my friends that were either in the trenches of potty training or about to begin the adventure.  We asked our friends if they would join us on our quest to see if their child was ready lean about potty training.
When we knew how many guest to expect we made a list and went shopping.  We want to make sure all the little one tummy are full, and they can listen to the "Potty Training success" dvd.

Before the guest arrived we made cookies in the shape of houses (since this is a house party.  What were you expecting diapers?  Yuck, no one wants to eat that. lol)  I frosted the cookies for a tasty treat after they tried using the potty.

 I also made sandwiches in the shape of a house.  The kids liked them, they looked cute and tasted great.  We had plenty of juice boxes to help the potty training process.

Let the Party Begin
 As the guest arrived we gave each of them a "Let's do the potty dance" mat and an inflatable guitar.  We played some of the songs on the "Potty Training success" dvd.   Here are some photos of the kids rocking out with their guitars.  They had so much fun.

When all the guest had arrived we watched the "Potty Training success" DVD.  We all tried to do the Potty Dance.  We also played the Wet or Dry game.  Then the little one all played together while the moms watched a segment on the signs of readiness. 

Here are some of the kids best moves:

 Here is Little Man and Mare Bear trying their moves during the the Potty Dance video.  I learned so much watching the "Potty Training success" DVD.  I am so excited to start the potty training with Little Man.  From what the video said he is not yet showing the signs of readiness, but I know he will be soon and I will have all the tools I need to help him succeed in his potty training journey.

When the party was over we handed each kid their goody bag to take home.

The goody bags were full with :  
1 Pull-ups potty dance sticker sheet 
1 Pull-ups potty dance Training success DVD
1 Pull-ups potty dance Progress Charts
2 Pull-ups potty dance Door hanger
1 Pull-ups potty dance Inflatable guitar
1 Pull-ups potty dance Information card with point code
1 Walmart and Pull-ups potty dance coupon book

My guest were so happy to receive all the free potty training aids from House party.  A big thank you to House Party and Pull Ups for helping make my party a success.   

UPDATE: after the party I thought of the idea of making a toilet cake.  Click Here to see how to make a toilet cake. 

Disclosure:  I received all the products from Pull Ups through House Party.  All opinions expressed here are my own.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pillsbury Ready to Bake Cookie giveaway: cookie jar, spatula, oven mix,

Closed: the winner is  lovetogive123
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to show those who are near and dear just how much you care with a treat straight from the heart and fresh from the oven! New Valentine’s Day Pillsbury® Ready to Bake!™ Shape® Cookies will fill your home with love and now the magic of Disney®. Whether you bake these cookies for, or with your loved ones, Pillsbury Ready to Bake Shape Cookies are perfect for bringing those you love most together on Valentine’s Day!

 Pillsbury Ready to Bake Shape Cookies are

  • Quick and convenient, Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Shape Cookies are ready to enjoy in                       8-10 minutes and can be found at your local grocer
  • Have many different shape and designs including Disney characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Disney Princesses Belle, Cinderella and Tiana.  We bought the ones with a smile face heart. 

Bake your way into your family’s hearts this February with new Valentine’s Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Shape Cookies. 

We baked some Pillsbury Ready to Bake Shape Cookies and I took photos of the kids eating them.  There were some great photo and their faces said it all, but some how they were deleted from my camera.  We only had this lonely cookie left by the time I realized the photos were deleted.  Delicious cookies go fast around this house.  I am going to make another batch for my daughter's Valentine's day party at school.

Don't you just love saving money?  To share the love of 
Happy Valentines' Day, I wanted to share with you a Pillsbury 
Coupon.  Click here to download a printable coupon for $1.10 off 
of the purchase of (1) package of Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Shape 
Cookies today!

To find out more about Pillsbury products check out their website  or Pillsbury on facebook or 

Now for what you have been waiting for....

The giveaway
Your prize Pack will contain:

  • A VIP coupon to purchase a package of Pillsbury Ready to Bake! Shape Cookies
  • Cookie Jar
  • Cookie Spatula
  • Oven Mitt

Closed: the winner is  lovetogive123

Here is how you enter:  
  •  Leave a comment stating what Pillsbury shape cookie your family would like to try.
  • Follow me on Google and leave a comment stating you are following me.

Additional entrees: 
  • Share this Giveaway on your facebook page and leave a comment on this post tell me you have shared this giveaway on your facebook page.
  • "Like" Nowamomof3's facebook page or follow Nowamomof3's Facebook page for an additional entree each. You must leave a comment stating you followed and/or "like" me on facebook.
  • Leave a comment on any other story on my blog for one additional entree. You must leave a comment stating which post you commented on.

RULES: Maximum of 7 entries per person. The giveaway will end on February 22 at midnight.  I will randomly pick a winner at on February 23th.  I will notify the winner by e-mail and posted winners first name or user name on my blog.  The winner with have 48 hours to contact me or another winner will be chosen.  You must be 18 years or older and a US resident to enter.  

 Disclosure: The product, information, and giveaway have been provided by Pillsbury through MyBlogSpark. Nowamomof3 cannot be held responsible for sponsor's failure to deliver the product or service as agreed.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Betty Crocker coupons: Fun da-middles cupcake mix, One Pouch Molasses cookie mix

Betty Crocker
Just in time for Valentines day...
Coupons for Betty Crocker Products:

You can make for your sweetie Betty Crocker's new Fun
da-middles Cupcake Mix.  They come in three delicious flavors.

FUN da-Middles™ Chocolate Cupcake Mix with Creamy Vanilla Filling
FUN da-Middles™ Vanilla Cupcake Mix with Creamy Vanilla Filling
FUN da-Middles™ Vanilla Cupcake Mix with Creamy Chocolate Filling

Click here to download a printable *coupon for .85 cents off when you buy 
ONE BOX of Fun da-middles Cupcake Mix.

And if it is cookies your sweetie desires you can save money off Betty Crocker's 
One Pouch Molasses Cookie Mix.

Click here to download a printable coupon for .75 cents off when you buy 
One Pouch of Betty Crocker Molasses Cookie Mix.

To learn more about Berry Crocker products check out their website:

Disclosure: I received this information and the coupon offer from Betty Crocker through

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Woolite® COMPLETE coupon

Would you like a coupon for $2 off Woolite® COMPLETE:
Click the above link and watch the Woolite COMPLETE video and print your coupon.
It is that easy!

 Click Here to Like Woolite on Facebook

and watch the Woolite Torturer commercial.

Click here to watch the YouTube video

Discloure: I may receive a free sample of Woolite for sharing this information courtesy of Smiley360.