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Monday, October 17, 2011

Support the Cause, Rett Syndrome

Support the Cause, Rett Syndrome

It is said that some cause you don't pick, they pick you.  The second that my daughter's doctor said our little Marebear has Rett Syndrome, we knew what cause had picked us.  (check outMarebear page to learn more)

Sometimes a cause can pick you because you know someone or read about someone that is effected by a disease or syndrome.  You feel so much sympathies for the person and you want to help, but you don't know how you can make a difference.  Well, don't fret I am going to give you somethings that you can do to help the cause you care about, and if you don't have a cause or would like another one, you can share our cause to Cure Rett Syndrome!

In case you did not know October is Rett Syndrome Awareness Month. One thing you can do to bring about awareness it to make ribbons.  You can either make them and sell them and give the money to the cause or you can give them away to bring about more awareness to your cause.  Every disease or syndrome has a ribbon color and since our daughter has Rett Syndrome, the ribbon we made is lavender (for Rett syndrome awareness).

To make a lavender ribbon you will need:
Lavender ribbon
glue (we used a glue gun)
a safety pin or ( we used a bar pin)

Cut your ribbon to about 6 inches long.  Then take the two ends and put them together and cut them at an angle.  Take the ribbon and criss cross the ribbon in front.  Like shown in the photo.  Glue the ribbon on the inside (so that he glue does not show in the front).  Take the safety pin and glue it to the back of the ribbon.  There you have it, you have made a Rett Syndrome Awareness ribbon.

 Here are a list of some things you can do to raise money to fund a cure for Rett Syndrome;

  • Have a garage sale and give the money you make or a percent to Rett Syndrome research.
  • For your or your child's birthday, have guest bring a donation to Rett Syndrome instead of presents.
  • Have a cookie bake and give the money you make or a percent to Rett Syndrome research.
  • Host a tea party and give the money you make or a percent to Rett Syndrome research.
  • Attend a Strollathon near you.

If all of those sound like to much work you can go on my daughter's website and in the comfort of your own home you can give to her strollathon team.  All proceeds go to International Rett Syndrome International to raise money to find a cure for Rett Syndrome.  To see her strollathon page click here.

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