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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to Host a Pillsbury Potluck Party

Pillsbury Potluck Party

Looking for some impressive yet easy food ideas this Christmas season? has endless amounts of delicious dishes that you can prepare in just 30 minutes with 5 ingredients or less.
To help my friends and family get into 
the Christmas entertaining spirit...I have 
decided to host a Pillsbury Potluck Party.  
I thought it would be fun to have friends 
over to try out some of the quick and tasty 
ideas for easy appetizers, and desserts 
from Pillsbury.

So how do you host a Pillsbury Potluck Party?

First you invite some of your friends over.  You can
make an invitation or just e-mail them and let them
know to save the date.  Ask your guest if they would
bring an appetizer using Pillsbury products.

After you sent out invitations to your friends, and pick
Pillsbury recipe, you will be ready to host your
Pillsbury Potluck Party.

You can have your guest click here for free Pillsbury
food coupons from General Mills.

In order to host the best Pillsbury Potluck Party I am
asking for you to help me choose what dish to prepare.
I have narrowed down my choices to four great recipes.
Would you please leave me a commet tell me which
recipe you think I should make for my Pillsbury Pot Luck

I will be posting information on my Pillsbury Potluck
Party after the party.  Check back here for a link to My
Pillsbury Potluck Party post.

Find more information about how to host your own
Pillsbury Potluck Party at

You can also friend Pillsbury on Facebook:  

Check out my giveaway at
Disclosure: The Pillsbury product, information, food ideas, online
 coupon link, and prize pack have been provided by Pillsbury
 through MyBlogSpark.

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