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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Special needs mom tip of the day;

 If you want to make a special 

needs child's day, look them

 in the eye , smile kindly and say

 in the sweetest voice, " hello, good

 morning beautiful/handsome. How

 are you today?" (now this may be 

hard to do, but trust me do it).

 Now wait 10 seconds ( still looking

 them in the eye and still smiling) 

before you break your eye contact! Have a 

great day and go ahead and give it a try.  

Let me know what happens!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Purex Fresh Pet: Detergent for Pet Clothing

As a purex insider I am asked to try and review new products.  One new product I am excited to introduce is NEW Purex Fresh Pet-Cuddly clean clothes for your furry family.
We all love our animals and we want them to have all that we have.  We buy them special treats like doggy biscuit and cute doggy clothes too. 

Purex Fresh Pet is designed especially for your pet's unique needs.  I do not know about your dog, but my dog plays hard and when she is wearing a cute outfit, it can get just as dirty as our kids clothes.  Our pets need a detergent that can not only control pet odor but help keep their fur nice and shiny.   

Purex Fresh Pet keeps your furry friends clothing bright and clean just like your clothes.  New Purex Fresh Pet liquid detergent with Odor Control Action is a premium pet clothing formula that is specially formulated to condition and moisturize your pet's coat and eliminate odor while they wear their favorite outfits.
Whether lounging around on the living room rug or strutting their stuff on a neighborhood walk, your pet's outfits will surely be noticed!
To learn more about Purex check out their Facebook page. 

I highly recommend adding Purex Fresh Pet  to your laundry detergent.  I know my family and I are glad we made the switch.

UPDATE:  I hope you enjoyed our fun April Fools joke.  I wanted to let you know Purex Fresh Pet is NOT a real product, but I had fun pretending it was real. 

Disclaimer:  I received all the information for this blog post as a Purex insider, however all opinions expressed her are my own.  I may receive prizes for this post.