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Saturday, November 23, 2013

How to add more healthy food to your kids meals.

Disclaimer:  I was given a free Ninja Blender by House Party to host a party in my home.  However I was not asked to do a blog post and do so of my own free will.  All opinions expressed her are my own. 

I have been on a journey to eat healthier, I am adding more fruits and veggies to my family's diet.  After a while we get tired of eating salads. How can you add veggies to your diet without adding salads.  You hide them in everyday food.  Take any veggies, puree it and add it to your favorite recipes (some veggies work better than others).  The hard part is finding a blender that will puree the veggies.  Pureeing Veggies is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to make your meals healthier.

I search for the perfect blender and it found me.  That is why I was so excited when I was selected by House Party to host a" Blend it like a Ninja House Party"  sponsored by the Ninja Blender.  It is so easy and simple to host a house party.  If you are chosen to be a host the company send you FREE product.  All you have to do is to educate your guest about the product and share the product will them.  It's that simple, no selling involved!

So today my hostess box came for my "Blend it like a Ninja House Party".    I was ecstatic to  try out my new Ninja Blender.   The kids wanted to try some smoothies  so we bought some fresh fruit and starting blending.  The Ninja is a powerful machine and it does not take much to turn fruit, yogurt and ice cubes into a smoothie (about 5-10 seconds).  You can also add protein power or fiber to your child smoothie.   I used the cookbook that came with the Ninja to find delicious recipes for my guest to try. 

At my party we tied all kinds of recipes. Click here to see some of the recipes you can use with your Ninja Blender. We made a vegan broccoli soup with cashew, vegetable stock, and steamed broccoli.    

The Ninja Blender can add so much more flavor and nutrients to your kids food too.  You can puree vegetable ahead of time and freeze them in ice cube trays.   I like to add puree carrots to my hamburger and pizza sauce.  Add sweet potato to your child's Mac and Cheese.  Add a little cauliflower to your mashed potatoes.  Your choices are endless.  

The other day I made homemade spaghetti sauce for the first time and my family loved it so much more than the jars you buy at the store.  It was so fresh and delicious and I knew exactly what my family was eating.    

How do you add more nutrients to your child's food?

Disclaimer:  I was given a free Ninja Blender by House Party to host a party in my home.  However I was not asked to do a blog post and do so of my own free will.  All opinions expressed her are my own. 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Differently-abled children can Sail with Sailing Angels Foundation

Have you ever wanted to sail?  I know I have.  Since Marebear was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome I thought that sailing was no longer an option for our family.  That was until I came across Sailing Angels Foundation.  What is Sailing Angels?   Sailing Angels Foundation is a non-profit organization that introduces family of special needs children to the joy of sailing.

Did you know that sailing provides a unique nautical "hydro-therapy" experience to people with special needs? It gives them them an explosion of sensory input.  Think about how calm and soothing the ocean feels when you are in a boat.  You can smell and taste the salty water of the sea.  You can hear the waves as they crash into the boat.   As the boat rocks their spatial awareness become more in tune. This past weekend, this is what my daughter was able to experience, thanks to Sailing Angles Foundation.

We drove  to Kemah, Texas, a beautiful quaint seaside towns like one out of a book or movie.  The town was so clean and the people were friendly.  Even the public restrooms were clean (now that is saying something).

We met Captain Dave and he introduced us to the boat and reviewed safety rules.  He and his crew welcomed us with open arms.  They helped us transfer Marebear to the ship.  She was so excited and I wanted her to get the most out of this once in a life time experience so I took her to the bow.  There we were able sit, and see the the ocean all the way to the horizon.  As we headed out to the open water in Galveston bay, we saw cruise ships and cargo ships. We watch pelican dive in the ocean for fish.  Marebear kept trying to close her eyes, but was so afraid she was going to miss something, she never fell asleep.

After an hour of holding her on the bow of the ship, we headed to the stern for some more comfortable seats.  Both Marebear and Little Man took turns steering the ship.  Marebear keep patting Captain Dave (that means she likes him). He would ask her question and let her try anything she wanted ( as long as it was safe). My Oldest also enjoyed the experience of sailing for the first time. The crew helped us transfer her around the ship as she and my boys were able to receive the full experience!

The best quote of the day was from my husband:
"My daughter may never be able to drive a car, but she steered a boat!" 
I still cannot believe our family went sailing  This is one experience we will never forget.

Check out Sailing Angels Foundation on Facebook

Check out Sailing Angels Foundation

 Sailing Angels Foundation provides opportunity for family of special needs children to go sailing at no cost to the families, but it is expensive to provide this service   If you would like to make a donation to this wonderful organization to help a special needs child experience sailing click here .

Disclosure:  We were not asked to write a blog post by Sailing Angles.  I wrote this post because of our own persona experience and love for Sailing Angels Foundation!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day: Thank you dad

Today I wanted to say a big Thank You to all the men and women that have served in the United States both pass and present. 

This day is a celebration to honor America's veterans.  American Veterans should be honored for their love of our country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. They and their family go beyond the call of duty!  They sacrifice time with their family and friends so that we might enjoy freedom.

 In honor of Veterans Day, I wanted to give a shout of to my dad for his service to our country.  I wish he was still with us.  

My dad served 2 terms in Vietnam War. This is a photo of him at Fort Ord in California.  He was in the  U.S. Army infantry in company A, 4th Battalion, 3rd brigade.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

One girls determination to join her AHG campout

This last weekend our American Heritage Girls Troop when camping.  I know we live in Texas, but it was cold here too.  It was much to cold for Marebear to camp (she cannot regulate her body temperature).

  When you have a special need child, it can be easy to just say never mind and not do anything.  We have had to cancel our plans many times because we know it is to much for her.  Her seizures have been controlling our lives more and more lately, and when she had a seizure on Thursday we knew we could not be able to camp overnight.

  We decided this time we would not let her living with Rett syndrome, stop her from experiencing all that girls her age experience. Don't get me wrong we did have to readjust our plans (her health come first).  

We decided to go to the camp site for half the day.  Most of the girls in her troop had already earned their "outdoor cooking" badge.  We could have said "oh well, just forget it." but we didn't, we stopped by the groceries store and bought her all the items she needed to make turkey chili, and a pumpkin desert.  
At the camp site her dad (an Eagle Scout) helped her learn all she need to earn her badge.  She did as much of the badge by herself that she could could.  She was so proud of herself, and we were so proud of her! Her Chili was delicious and her pumpkin desert was mouth watering.  She shared it with all her American Heritage Girls friends, and they were amazed at her cooking skills.

These American Heritage Girls love Marebear for who she is, not what they want her to be. They know a friendship with her will look a little different than a traditional friendship, but with a little guidance (from me) they learned a friendship with her is just as reward for them as it is for her!

I know having a child with special needs can be draining and exhausting, but try to make the effort to be around people that support you and your child for what they can do and not for what they cannot!